The choice is yours

Jyoti Upadhyayula
2 min readOct 27, 2022

“When you reach the top of the mountain it becomes the base of another mountain.”

How many of you agree to this?

Life keeps throwing challenges at us. Every challenge teaches us something new which becomes the foundation for next challenge the same way climbing. One mountain becomes the base for the next mountain.

Last week I was busy with the preparation for my masterclass. Presentation, posts, videos , lot of ground work behind the scenes. Was it easy? No… not at all. I have been postponing it for a long time as I felt that I am not good at it . I do not have necessary skills.

But if not now, then when?

I have to start somewhere. That small inner voice which keeps stopping you to take action. I too had my inner voices which kept me in my comfort zone – my limiting beliefs, my self doubts, my fears.

I decided to get over it once and for all and go for it Revised my goal, what outcome I was looking for, why I wanted it. Once I was clear why I wanted it creating a plan , scheduling. It was simple. Hiccups were. there but I had made up my mind to get over it and take charge.

There were Lot of learning’s :

1. One was Nothing is impossible. You believe in yourself and you can achieve anything

2. Me being a person Who focus on perfection had struggle to get started and take action In the book Atomic habits. James clear stresses on progress over perfection . Make tiny steps and do it consistently.Focus on progress over perfection.

3. When you make decision and take action that is the right time.

There is no right time.when you start that is the right time


I cannot do it

I am not good.

People will judge me

End result.

I was able to launch my mastermind. As schedule with my presentation in place, got sign ups, which opened possibilities and opportunities. for myself and others.

One thing to remember.- Challenges will always be there.But what decision you are taking is important. You can blame and give excuses or embrace it take action and move on to conquer next mountain.

The choice is yours. You want to be a winner or loser.

Hello I am Jyoti Upadhyayula.I am certified Life coach of Arfeen khan . In the past two years I have helped individuals in their transformation journey. I help them to find their purpose and passion In life, overcome their limiting beliefs, and become Unstoppable.

I am the founder of.mastermind Act2Achieve . If you are lost in your life, confused about your purpose in your life, struggling with your emotions, and are stuck in you life then reach out to me.

If you want a one on one call with me then book a 20 mins strategy call with me and we can discuss how to move further.

#lifecoach #act2achieve #action #purpose #jyotiupadhyayula #mastermind #beunstoppable. #melrobbins # Jamesclear



Jyoti Upadhyayula

Jyoti Upadhyayula is an Author, certified life and inner transformation coach , Parenting coach and has successfully mentored and coached parents and children.